hiho一下 第六十一周



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

int N, M;
char S[50004];
struct Splay
    Splay *P, *L, *R;
    int v, c, d, f;// v : Value, d : Delta, c : Current, f : Cover;
    bool ff;// ff : Whether Cover;
    int Size;
        P = L = R = NULL;
        v = c = d = f = 0;
        ff = false;
        Size = 1;
    void Update()
        Size = 1;
        if (L) Size += L->Size;
        if (R) Size += R->Size;
}Data[50004], *Top;
inline void Zig(Splay *X)
    Splay *Y = X->P;
    if (Y->P) (Y->P->L == Y) ? Y->P->L = X : Y->P->R = X;
    X->P = Y->P, Y->P = X;
    Y->L = X->R, X->R = Y;
    if (Y->L) Y->L->P = Y;
inline void Zag(Splay *X)
    Splay *Y = X->P;
    if (Y->P) (Y->P->L == Y) ? Y->P->L = X : Y->P->R = X;
    X->P = Y->P, Y->P = X;
    Y->R = X->L, X->L = Y;
    if (Y->R) Y->R->P = Y;
Splay *T[50004];
int Cnt;
inline void Cover(Splay *X, int f)
    if (X)
        X->ff = true;
        X->v = X->f = f;
        X->d = X->c = 0;
inline void Plus(Splay *X, int c, int d)
    c = c % 26;
    if (c < 0) c += 26;
    X->v += c, X->c += c, X->d += d;
inline int Rs(Splay *X)
    return (X->R) ? X->R->Size : 0;
inline int Ls(Splay *X)
    return (X->L) ? X->L->Size : 0;
inline void Down(Splay *X)
    if (X->ff)
        Cover(X->L, X->f), Cover(X->R, X->f);
        X->ff = false;
    if (X->L) Plus(X->L, X->c - (Rs(X->L) + 1) * X->d, X->d);
    if (X->R) Plus(X->R, X->c + (Ls(X->R) + 1) * X->d, X->d);
    X->c = X->d = 0;
inline void splay(Splay *X)
    Splay *Y, *Z, *K;
    for (K = X, Cnt = 0; K; T[++ Cnt] = K, K = K->P);
    for (int i = Cnt; i; i --) Down(T[i]);
    while (X->P)
        Y = X->P;
        if (Y->P)
            Z = Y->P;
            if (Z->L == Y)
                if (Y->L == X) Zig(Y), Zig(X);
                else Zag(X), Zig(X);
                if (Y->R == X) Zag(Y), Zag(X);
                else Zig(X), Zag(X);
            if (Y->L == X) Zig(X);
            else Zag(X);
    X->Update(), Top = X;
Splay *Build(Splay *S, int Len, Splay *P = NULL)
    if (Len == 1)
        S[1].P = P;
        return S + 1;
    if (Len == 0) return NULL;
    int mid = (1 + Len) >> 1;
    S[mid].P = P;
    S[mid].L = Build(S, mid - 1, S + mid);
    S[mid].R = Build(S + mid, Len - mid, S + mid);
    return S + mid;
inline Splay *Find(int x)
    Splay *C = Top;
    int ss;
    while (true)
        ss = Ls(C);
        if (ss + 1 == x) break;
        if (ss >= x) C = C->L;
        else {
            x -= ss + 1;
            C = C->R;
    return C;
inline void CMD1()
    int i, j, X;
    scanf("%d%d%s", &i, &j, S);
    X = S[0] - 'A';
    if (i == j)
        Find(j)->v = X;
    Splay *u = Find(j), *v = Find(i);
    while (u->P != v)
        if (u->P->L == v) Zig(u);
        else Zag(u);
    Down(v), Down(u);
    Cover(u->L, X);
    v->v = u->v = X;
inline void CMD2()
    int i, j, X;
    scanf("%d%d%d", &i, &j, &X);
    if (i == j)
        Find(j)->v += X;
    Splay *u = Find(j), *v = Find(i);
    while (u->P != v)
        if (u->P->L == v) Zig(u);
        else Zag(u);
    Down(v), Down(u);
    v->v +=X, u->v +=X;
    if (u->L) Plus(u->L, X, 0);
inline void CMD3()
    int K;
    scanf("%d", &K);
    if (K == N) return;
    Splay *u = Find(K), *v = u->R;
    v->P = NULL;
    u->R = NULL, u->Update();
    u = Find(1), u->L = v;
    v->P = u, u->Update();
inline void CMD4()
    int i, j;
    scanf("%d%d", &i, &j);
    if (i == j)
        Find(i)->v ++;
    Splay *u = Find(j), *v = Find(i);
    while (u->P != v)
        if (u->P->L == v) Zig(u);
        else Zag(u);
    Down(v), Down(u);
    if (u->L) Plus(u->L, Ls(u->L) + 2, 1);
    v->v ++, u->v += j - i + 1;
inline void Print(Splay *X = Top)
    if (X->L) Print(X->L);
    putchar('A' + X->v % 26);
    if (X->R) Print(X->R);
int main()
    scanf("%d%d", &N, &M);
    scanf("%s", S + 1);
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i ++) Data[i].v = S[i] - 'A';
    Top = Build(Data, N);
    for (int i = 1, opt; i <= M; i ++)
        scanf("%s", S);
        scanf("%d", &opt);
        if (opt == 1) CMD1();
        if (opt == 2) CMD2();
        if (opt == 3) CMD3();
        if (opt == 4) CMD4();
    return 0;
Category: hihocoder | Tags: data structure | Read Count: 585
Bhulekh Odisha 说:
2022年8月02日 16:37

Bhulekh Odisha, a government website that looks after the records of lands in the districts of Odisha State. This website is free to access and the citizens of Odisha state can access the information through their plot number, tenant number, or Khata number. Bhulekh Odisha The duties of landowners, value of a property, property transactions, a record of rights, land map, Bhulekh Odisha, a government website that looks after the records of lands in the districts of Odisha State. This website is free to access and the citizens of Odisha state can access the information through their plot number, and other important information of land will be available on this website. This Portal is a one-stop solution to check the details of land (not related to property tax) if you’re on a way to buy it from some unknown owner.

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